Home Business The Business Case For Worker Medical Insurance

The Business Case For Worker Medical Insurance

Medical Insurance

An employer may consider offering worker medical insurance to its employees if it can lower its health care costs. However, there are some risks associated with buying this type of insurance. Premiums vary widely and can be difficult to compare. In addition, the individual market is not well-regulated in all states. Additionally, health insurers may exclude certain services or conditions, which is when you always need a drunk driving accident lawyer. They may also reject applicants based on their health history or perceived risk.

Evidence of a “business case” for worker medical insurance

A wide range of empirical studies has established that health benefits provided by employers benefit the employees. Despite the fact that the workers bear the costs of the benefits, the business case for health insurance has generally been overlooked in mainstream economics. Indeed, economists have long dismissed the idea that employee health insurance increases productivity and organizational performance.

Moreover, workers want to be insured to protect themselves from the high costs of a serious illness or injury, and to ensure they can receive the best care. In some cases, health insurance is the only way to access quality medical care. However, the high costs and transaction costs of private individual health insurance often prevent people from obtaining coverage. Thus, the business case for worker medical insurance is particularly strong for companies with low-income employees.

Business case for employment-based health insurance

An employment-based health insurance program is designed to provide benefits to employees through the employer. These benefits may include health insurance and may come with tax benefits. The employee may also agree to contribute a portion of the costs. While the benefits of employment-based health insurance are worth more than what an employer pays for them, it is important to note that a health insurance plan may be more expensive to offer than a compensation package that only includes wages.

Employment-based health insurance is also less expensive for the employer than individual coverage. This type of health insurance plan helps employers to save money by eliminating administrative expenses and adverse selection, which are typically associated with individual health insurance policies. Furthermore, most people covered by an employment-based health insurance plan are healthy, which reduces the cost for the employer. This means that the plan is affordable for employers, which makes it a good choice for large firms.


In the United States, the cost of worker medical insurance is steadily increasing. Since 2011, premiums have increased 47 percent and deductibles have jumped 92 percent. Increasing deductibles can make health care unaffordable. A new study shows that over half of covered workers are now paying a copayment or deductible for primary and specialty care.

The high costs of worker medical insurance are due primarily to rising health care costs. The costs of hospital care for commercial plans average 224 percent higher than Medicare rates. This means that employers are paying a higher percentage of the cost than the government. However, employers have the power to negotiate lower premiums for their workers without sacrificing quality.

Indirect costs of employee medical insurance

There are many indirect costs of employee medical insurance. One of the most significant is time spent managing these costs. This can amount to more than $21.6 billion per year. And the costs may be even higher if you count employee turnover, absenteeism, and lost productivity. These costs can also exceed the monetary cost of ill health.

Another cost of employee medical insurance is the loss of productivity. When an employee is off work due to a workplace accident, the costs can be significant. An average workplace injury costs an employer more than $40000 in direct costs. This is not to mention the cost of medical care for injured employees.

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James Ruhle
My name is James Ruhle. I am a blogger and financial writer who covers business topics that pertain to the average person looking for a business. I have been in the business for about 5 years now and really enjoy it, so I figured it is time to share my knowledge with the rest of the world.