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Choosing an Online Accountant


As a small business or startup, teaming up with an accountant is one of the best decisions you can make. The more experienced business owners among you will know how tedious it can be to fill in multiple tax returns every year, and keeping on top of your books is just one more thing to worry about in an already stressful situation. However, many people are put off using an accountant because they think that it will be simply too expensive. They’re under the impression that accountants are only worth using if you’re a big business, but that’s just not the case at all. In fact, the right accountant could actually help save you a small fortune, and give you the funds you need to help grow your business- but only if you make the right call. The truth is, with so many different online accountants out there, it can be tricky to decide just which one is worth your hard-earned money. That’s why we’ve put together this guide, with some handy tips to make the whole process that much easier.

First things first, you should only look at accountants who are entirely trustworthy, with a track record of success. After all, if you hand over the wrong paperwork to HMRC, or things aren’t filled out properly, then you could end up with a nasty fine on your hands. That’s all the more reason to choose an accountant that has been in business for a long time, since they will have the experience and expertise necessary to get things right every time. You should also take a look at what past and present customers have had to say about them, since this is the simplest way of determining whether or not an online accountant is worth your time and money.

Of course, as a small business, you’ll also want to choose an accountant that offers services based around your unique needs. There’s no sense in paying for a pre-built accountancy package that includes services that you’re never going to use, since this effectively means you’re throwing money away. Instead, look for firms that will offer to create an individual package for your business, to really add value to your business. Zooconomicsoffer just such a service, and best of all, they provide it for a fixed monthly fee. That means no nasty surprises when you get to the end of the year and find yourself faced with a hefty bill!

Finally, hiring an online accountant isn’t just about balancing your books. A smart accountant won’t just get all your taxes in order, but they will also be able to spot opportunities for you to keep more money for yourself, instead of handing it over to the taxman. For instance, there are heaps of business expenses that you can reclaim on your taxes that most small business owners are oblivious to. Some are small savings and some are hefty, but they all add up, and surely every business could do with some extra cash to grow and thrive. Again, Zooconomics really excel here, helping you to make the most of your tax allowances, and saving you money on unnecessary fines by getting everything settled on time. Within just a few months, you’ll see just how much of a difference a qualified online accountant can make to your profit margins- so there’s no excuse not to try one out for yourself ASAP!